
The power of smell

The power of smell

Smells are distinctive, they embed themselves in your memory. They evoke memories, sometimes good, sometimes bad. Recently I was sitting in a doctor’s surgery in Honolulu. No need to panic, I forgot my meds at home and needed a prescription.

There was a distinctive smell, but I couldn’t place it. I’d never been in this surgery before and it was annoying me. I looked around and I realised what it was. There was a McDonalds drink container sitting on the receptionist’s desk. It was the smell of a McDonald’s hamburger. Completely out of place in this environment. No wonder I struggled to place it.

Like all our senses smell is a sensory marker. When I work with clients on their positioning, we also define their sensory markers. As much as the words we use to position a brand, these markers add depth to the positioning of all brands.

McDonald’s understands the power of sensory markers, and how they can trigger behaviour. So much so, that they created an advertising campaign around it. They strategically used outdoor advertising to drive customers to their stores. How much thought have you given to your sensory markers? Look, Taste, Smell, Feel and Sound.

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