unleash your brand’s potential

Are you telling an engaging brand story?

At Brandivine we craft brand stories that build trust

Ever feel like your brand’s message is just echoing into the void, despite all your efforts? Your brand isn’t just a logo or a tagline; it’s the heartbeat of your business. At Brandivine, we dive deep to unearth the essence of who you are and what you stand for. Using a structured process we transform it into a relevant brand story that engages emotionally with your audience and builds trust. We want your brand to be seen, heard and felt.

Brand Strategy Consulting


Our Brand Strategy Consulting solution is designed for existing business owners, who want to take their business to the next level, but don’t have time to do it themselves.

We undertake interviews, run workshops and 1:1 sessions to uncover the gold hidden in your brand. In short, we collaborate with you, your team and your clients to uncover your Brand Story. The story that resonates with the people you want to engage with.

Is this for you?

Is your marketing missing the mark? Are your sales strategies out of sync with your core values? Are you wasting time second-guessing your decisions?

Our Brand Strategy Consulting service realigns your brand’s message, building consistency so that it resonates with your audience. Every time they connect with a touchpoint. Together we redefine your narrative to engage your audience and empower your team to build meaningful connections.

Brand Strategy Coaching


“Transform your passion into a powerful brand story with our coaching program, designed to clarify your vision. This hands-on approach goes beyond the basics, offering a unique blend of guidance, challenge, and support to bring clarity and growth to your brand.

Our method leverages over 40 years of business and marketing experience, providing a depth of insight not found in conventional programs. Through GLOwork, discover new directions or reinforce your current path with enhanced confidence.

Is this for you?

Ideal for business owners ready to infuse their brand with a compelling narrative, our coaching promises a transformative journey towards defining a standout brand story.”

Unlock personalized growth with our 1:1, high-touch coaching, tailored to your schedule and uniquely aligned with your business and brand needs. For those who thrive in collective settings, our group coaching program offers a dynamic environment for shared insights and progress.

Expert Execution


Once you’ve defined your brand story, the thought of bringing it to life can seem a little daunting. That’s why we created our expert execution service. We collaborate with you to build action plans that reduce stress, save you time and ensure quality. Together we plan, select quality suppliers and execute flawlessly. With over 40 years of experience, we help you make the myriad of decisions that bringing a brand baby to life involves.

Is this for you?

If you’ve worked with us to craft your brand story and are now facing the challenge of bringing it to life, we’re here for you. You know that we consider your brand baby ours too. We have a vested interest in making sure that you succeed, nothing makes us happier. If you are struggling to find the time to execute flawlessly, or don’t have the time to do all the legwork, we’re here to help. Our aim is to save you time and resources, ensuring a launch that’s not just on schedule, but perfectly aligned with your vision.

brandivine homepage our philosophy


Our approach

We collaborate to craft brand stories that resonate. Leveraging over 40 years of experience to embed your brand with lasting value. We collaborate to define your purpose and attract aligned employees, partners, and clients. Our structured approach ensures clarity, allows you to stay focused and be consistent.

our impact

Their stories, our brand babies


What is a brand – now that’s a great question and tricky to answer.

After going through the “REMARKABLE” Brand Story Program with Litsa, I now realise how deep you need to go in order to get something that looks and feels the way that you want to represent yourself. The process is well structured and gives you time to explore and think. Litsa is there to coax and coach and advise. Her knowledge and insights are priceless. The outcome has been a refreshed zeal and clearer strategy for my business and a look and feel that now deeply represents the efforts I put in and my client’s experience.

Frances Pratt, Founder Metisan

True Expert

Working with Litsa at Brandivine was truly an experience like no other. While the goal was to polish our brand and clearly define our voice, we gained so much more from working with Litsa. She is a true expert in her industry with years of real-world experience.

Litsa became a mentor and cheerleader for us and our brand. She took time to really understand our vision and mission, helping us articulate it in a powerful way for others to see. Each meeting with Litsa was thought out and structured making it easy to see the roadmap of where we were headed.

If it weren’t for finding Litsa and working with her at this point in our company, we may have never been able to get the boost we needed to push our brand to success. We are deeply grateful for her service, knowledge, and mentorship throughout the workshop.

Nicki and Ashley, Founders Rypple

Empower, Obstetricians and Gynaecologists

I have worked with Litsa to redesign and develop our new brand.

I have found that Litsa has been a fantastic collaborator in distilling our core points of difference and then reinforcing those attributes to ourselves and our patients. She has taken us through a complete rebrand where everything from music in the rooms to our message we deliver to our patients has been improved.

Jay Samuel, Practice Manager, Empower Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Cleaning Edge Solutions

I was busy growing my business and did not realize the importance of a Brand until I met Litsa! She is passionate and a good listener and was quick to pick up on key points that represent the brand. Then she developed a structured process in developing our brand.

Litsa’s knowledge and insights are priceless. After working with us for over 2 years our Brand vision and strategy have become more clear and purposeful.

I highly recommend Litsa.

Clayburn Figredo, Founder Cleaning Edge Solutions

Legally Wise Women

“I’ve found it difficult to rebrand an existing business before. So when I was starting my new venture and passion project, I wanted to make sure I was clear of the brand from the beginning. Working with Litsa helped me to clearly articulate the brand purpose and values of Legally Wise Women, and through our work together, I found clarity around the brand positioning and proposition.

Litsa’s caring but insistent approach helped to get through this work, as I often find creative work difficult. Whereas the ease and mastery with which Litsa approached this branding exercise epitomised her experience and love for this work.

Jacqui Bauman, Founder Legally Wise Women

Language and Visuals

I commissioned Brandivine to help me define my brand personality before embarking on a website re-design. Litsa gave me everything I needed. By following her process I saw much more clearly what my purpose and values are and how I can portray them in language and visuals.

Litsa is lovely to work with – very engaging but also disciplined to keep me on track.

Susan Bell, Founder Susan Bell Research


Musings of a brand whisperer

Our take on brands and life.

curious? LET’S HAVE A CHAT.

No pressure, no sales pitch, just clarity