
The dreaded “n” word

The dreaded “n” word

For most of my corporate career, I ran when I heard the word “networking”. It conjured up images of people selling at each other. I didn’t want to sell to anyone. I was a marketer after all.

Earlier this year I reconnected with Ronan Leonard, one of the founders of Common Sense Events. Consequently, I signed up to their fortnightly masterclasses. Unlike other events where the person delivering is trying to sell to you, this is simply sharing knowledge. Recent topics have included the psychology of presentations, how to optimise your LinkedIn profile and the impact of AI. They have all stimulated my thinking. (My LinkedIn profile is still a work in progress.)

Now for the secret sauce, there are lunches and dinners where you’re forbidden to talk about your job/business. The location is always one of Melbourne’s remarkable restaurants. So you know the food (and odd glass of wine) will be outstanding. You sit at a curated table of people. Prior to the event you are sent personal profiles of the people you’ll be surrounded by. To make life a little easier, at each event there is a question to stimulate conversation.

Then the magic of getting to know the people around you begins. It’s challenging but it’s a skill I’m keen to hone.

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